Are you looking for topics to write about in the month of November? Check out this blogpost, written by Ellen, one of our fantastic volunteer coordinators. These fun facts and dates in the month of November are great ways to get started writing, and the seniors love reading about them!
Thank you to our Facebook volunteers - Audrey, Patria, Paula, Blanche, Siri, Susan, and Janet - for sending in photos of your amazing letters and cards!
Searching for new ideas? Incorporate one or more of these notable dates into your next letter to our seniors!
Some fun, non-traditional November dates to share with the seniors:
November 3 - Sandwich Day
November 5 - Redhead Day
November 8 - Tongue Twister Day
November 10 - Vanilla Cupcake Day
November 13 - World Kindness Day
November 14 - Pickle Day
November 15 - Love to Write Day
November 16 - Button Day
November 17 - World Peace Day
November 21 - World Hello Day
November 23 - Cashew Day
November 28 - French Toast Day
November 29 - Square Dance Day
As always...HAPPY WRITING!
Are you in need of more inspiration? Click here to view the full collection of letter writing and decoration inspiration blog posts!