This week, I'm kicking off a new series of blog posts that will feature our volunteers. Today, I'm spotlighting a mother-daughter volunteer duo, Alexis and Michelle.
For this new series of blog posts, I'd like to hear your stories! Do you have a personal story that motivates you to write letters to seniors? Have you witnessed the effects of senior loneliness in a friend or relative who was living in a care home? This new series of blog posts will spotlight you, the volunteers, and will explain why you became a volunteer, how you like to decorate your letters and cards, your words of wisdom, and much more! To share your story, fill out the form here.
After seeing a posting about LAI on their apartment building's bulletin, Michelle and her 3-year-old daughter, Alexis, eagerly signed up to become volunteers. They've been volunteering with us for about a month and have made it part of their routine. Before they write on Monday mornings, Alexis likes to shout "I want to make people happy!" It is clear that she loves to write letters!
Michelle says that letter writing is a great activity to do with Alexis since they can make art and be creative for a good cause! Alexis likes to include jokes like "What's a monster's favorite fruit? BOO-berries!" Alexis has recently started to draw pictures of trees with falling leaves. To accompany her artwork, she includes an inspirational message “Trees lose their leaves every year but they always stand tall and wait for the next spring to come!” The pair have set out to find unique ways to bring smiles to the seniors who receive their cards!
After making lots of cards over the last few weeks, they have finally mastered the technique. They say that the best types of cards that they make are interactive. In their cards, the seniors will be surprised by a crossword, a handmade puzzle, a joke, or even a connect-the-dots picture! This week, they sent magic tricks to the seniors! Each card included a ZipLock bag containing a picture that the Alexis drew. When the senior puts the bag into a bowl of water, the drawing will disappear (click through the photos below to witness the magic!) The senior gets a fun activity to do, and Alexis learned about the science of refraction. It's a win-win situation!
When asked why receiving a handmade card is so special, Michelle said "in a handwritten card, you can sense the soul and the effort associated with sending it. It's very special to look forwards to getting something in the mail!"
Thank you to Alexis and Michelle for sharing your story and card writing tips with us! I look forwards to hearing many more of your stories. If you'd like to share your story, fill out the form here.
If you liked this post, give it a LIKE and I will write more of these!
Thank you for spreading joy and helping us fight senior loneliness!