Are you looking for topics to write about in the month of August? These fun facts and dates in the month of August are great ways to get started writing, and the seniors love reading about them!
Thank you to our student and Facebook volunteers for sending in photos of your stunning cards and letters! These were made by Allie, Audrey, Madison, Susan, Lynn, and Siri!
August is a very special month…a time to celebrate a good harvest and a good summer!
Fun facts about the month of August:
~ The official birthstone for August is Peridot.
~ The official flower of August is Gladiolus!
~ August is named after Augustus Caesar, founder and the first emperor of the Roman Empire!
Some fun, non-traditional August dates to share with the seniors:
August 1:
Friendship Day
Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Sisters Day
August 2:
Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Coloring Book Day
August 3:
Watermelon Day
August 4:
Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
August 5:
Oyster Day
August 6:
Root Beer Float Day
August 7:
Lighthouse Day
Mustard Day
August 8:
Cat Day
Fried Chicken and Waffles Day
August 9:
Book Lover's Day
August 10:
National S'mores Day
August 12:
World Elephant Day
Bowling Day
Garage Sale Day
August 14:
Lizard Day
August 15:
Thrift Day
Best Friends Day
August 16:
Tell a Joke Day
August 17:
Black Cat Day
August 19:
Chef Appreciation Day
Kool-Aid Day
August 21:
Senior Citizen's Day
August 25:
Kiss and Make Up Day
National Banana Split Day
August 26:
National Dog Day
Bat Night
August 30:
Beach Day
Whale Shark Day
August 31:
Daffodil Day
As always...HAPPY WRITING!
Are you in need of more inspiration? Click here to view the full collection of letter writing and decoration inspiration blog posts!