This week I have been amazed by the creations of our 297 volunteers! As promised, here are some more ideas about what you can write about and how you can decorate your letters and cards!
For advice on how to introduce yourself and a few other top tips on how to get started, take a look at last week's blog post.
For ideas about what to write about take a look here:
Write a joke that makes you laugh. (One volunteer wrote: "what do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!")
Share with them something that you are looking forwards to doing once this pandemic is over!
Share with them something positive that has happened to you whilst you've been spending lots of time indoors. Have you learned a new skill? Or did you finish an art project that you had forgotten about? Ask them to try and answer the question too!
Make a list of things that you are grateful for.
Describe to them (or paint/draw/artistically display) what you can see out the window. Are there flowering trees? Is the sun shining? Ask them if they see similar things.
And now for some decoration inspiration! It's been amazing to see the beautiful creations that you all have been making!
Here are just a few of the 478 letters that were sent this week! I hope this inspires you to create something amazing to spread a little joy to our senior friends!
Thank you to Sarah, Reagan, Cheryl, Katelyn, Carolyn, Jonnie and Cheryl (a different one!) for sending us photos of your creations!
Submit YOUR photos on our google form for the chance to be featured!
If you liked this post, give it a LIKE and I will write more of these!
Comment below what you have been writing about and how you have decorated your letters and cards!
Thank you for spreading joy and helping us fight senior loneliness!
Please share our website and Instagram with friends and family! We are always looking for new volunteers!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at